Friday, February 25, 2011


It is currently 5:10am (central standard time). The yummy weather man is on the morning news. =) I have not slept yet. Why? Today is the first day of a very long week. A friend is coming home with hubby to watch our stockpiled episodes of "Leverage" on our XBOX 360. And I still haven't finished cleaning the living room. At 11am I am meeting with someone to start up my own little AVON side-business. I'm kinda excited. =) I get to be an adult! !!!!!! ! After that I am dropping hubs off at a movie while I run around town turning on the utilities for our new apartment. With kiddo in tow. And, finally, at 3pm hubs and I will sign our new lease. Then I shall do a happy dance. And possibly pass out. But, more likely, I squeal with glee and make a B-line for the apartment. I have a box packed that is stuff to go today. It has cleaning supplies, toilet paper, picture frames, an assortment of pink to decorate the young'un's room, some of her birthday gifts, part of her birthday outfit I have yet to craft together, candles, curtains, curtain rods, and much, much more. O yea. My baby girl will be 1 in March. YIKES. I can't believe a year has already passed. Insanity.
Okay...already had 2 cups of coffee...thinking more will be necessary before I even think of leaving the house today. I suppose I will stop slacking and finish cleaning the living room. That, or pass out. Ooh, the yummy weather guy returns.