Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happiness Is A Sports Bra. Fashion Is Not.

Today was a "meh" day. I stayed up too late shooting pool with Hubby and his brother, and I just did not want to do anything today. For almost the past 3 weeks I have been working a new job. It is semi-outside...I get the heat but not the sun. Think an indoor building with huuuuge garage doors that lift all around you. The humidity has been kicking my derrière every day. Anywho, today was mucho muggy. And I was so not feeling it. (Backstory: I wore a sports bra to bed last night for the first time since I stopped breast feeding. I forgot how incredible they are.) So when I went to get my uniform, I looked at that confounded torture device known as a plunge bra and laughed. Today I would be comfy no matter what. No underwire. No straps digging in. Ahhhh. Bliss. Who cares that I totally had a uni-boob all day. =p

<3 Mama